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Showing posts from December, 2021

Steps to Make Award-winning Southern Praline Pound Cake

Southern Praline Pound Cake . Hey everyone, hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to make a special dish, southern praline pound cake. It is one o…

Recipe of Quick Pecan Praline Brie

Pecan Praline Brie . This Pecan Praline Baked Brie may actually be my favorite brie recipe to date. Pour Maple Syrup over Brown Sugar. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil. This …

Steps to Prepare Ultimate Pumpkin praline pie

Pumpkin praline pie . And this pecan praline pumpkin pie is a fun twist on my traditional pumpkin pie recipe. I won't call this rendition an "upgrade" since you can't mess with…